At a loss for a topic this week I’m going to bore you with….wait for it….me. Total yawner I know right? Feel free to stop reading right now promise I won’t look. 😉

I’ve recently begun attending a womens Bootcamp. What and why?

Why: Because it was a great deal I found on offer.  $20 for 20 classes (and yes I had to call and ensure it wasn’t a scam) Lol But it’s the REAL deal alright. Just ask my body anywhere from below my eyebrows.  It all hurts, but the GOOD hurt.

What: It’s circuit training essentially, but with a twist. We get to drag tires, flip tires, climb ladders, and all kinds of ‘fun’ stuff. The one thing I’ve noticed about this particular camp that is different from anything else I’ve done is that there is no curve to the training. Most places start easy, build up, and slow down. His just gets harder. Did you do sprints with squats at every station for 30secs? Now it’s a minute. Did you do it for a minute? Now it’s a minute with 10lbs of weight. That sort of thing.

After 3 classes I still look alot like this (not really me but easily could be);


But I FEEL like this (definitely not me);


The most valuable thing of all is that I’m learning good things I do later on my own at home.  That is always the best part of any class. Next week I’m taking a hot yoga class (hot cause they crank the heat to add misery) Personally I’ve never been a fan of yoga, I’m a hockey girl dammit! I always thought of yoga as sissy new-age crap. Um, ya, I’m a freaking idiot. You can say it. This is an 83 year old woman I would never want to try and steal a purse from…just sayin’. *runs to yoga class* 

I have two new addicions to share with you!

One is motivational fitness pictures with quotes. I post at least one a day on my FB page. It REALLY works to do this. Start the habit yourselves. If you post it, you must do it, right? It adds accountability and keeps me going. Here’s a couple of my favs. 🙂 

The second one is Pinterest. Omigod I love this site! (once I figured out how to use it, TY Shannon!). It’s free, and so awesome! Now whenever I’m surfing and see things I like, books, clothes, paint and décor, I just click the ‘pin it’ button and add it to a board. I’m planning on finishing our basement, I have a whole board full of things that inspire me, and it’s also where I keep all these cool fitness posters that I find. Find something on Etsy you like? Pin it. Check this site out, you’ll love it I swear! 

HOT TIP: Join lots of deal sites like Groupon, Dealfind, Kijiji deals, Social Network etc, you just never know what you’ll find! Just be sure to call the ACTUAL companies/stores to verify, and don’t forget to read the fine print!

I hope you found something here today to take away with you, thank you for stopping in! 🙂 

Where you see a couch, I see a life sucking vampire. #tammyism 😉

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34 Responses to #TAMMYISM

  1. Good for you! You are so the Taminator! Grrr. Argh! etc…

  2. sweetopiagirl says:

    Reblogged this on Inspiredweightloss and commented:
    Great information!

  3. Anne Michaud says:

    OMRS, good luck on that hot yoga class – please drink plenty water before so you won’t faint!!!!

    I’m jealous, that crazay tires lifting class sounds so much fun:(

  4. JennyO says:

    The boot camp sounds like so much fun! Keep the posters coming! They are becomming the background on my computer. Thank you for the inspiration. 🙂

  5. Casi says:

    Yay! Have fun. Me, I prefer the swimming. I also like TaeKwonDo, but I never get enough sleep if I go to the adults’ class. It’s too late at night.

    I love the motivational posters and I love Pinterest. I should do more with playing with that thing.

  6. The boot camp is not for me but you seem to be enjoying it. I still can’t believe what a deal you got. I never did get into my yoga class, it’s filled by the time I register.

    I know several people who love Pinterest. Using it to save pics for your remodel is a great idea. Good luck!

    • CDNWMN says:

      Considering the year you’re putting behind you, you’re doing just fine sweetie! Try pilates or yoga at home, take no space and no equipment, lots of free classes to find on youtube or buy a dvd! The class will always have room for you there. 😉 NO EXCUSES. *evil cackle*

  7. Thank you for taking the time to talk about yourself. That is never easy.

  8. Awesome post! I really do need to get back into a fitness routine and I honestly have no excuse as there’s a gym at our apartment reception lol! Yoga is something I want to try, I tried pilates a few years ago and it was so lame I thought “pff yoga will be the same!” – I just didn’t feel anything from the pilates other than bored and sleepy lol! But I’ve been told yoga is good for us writers and there are different kinds….in fact I think you and I have had this conversation before so I’ll stop hehe. But yeah, yoga I’d like to do, I just need to find a class somewhere close 🙂

    Good luck with your boot camp, that sounds really great! Thanks for the pinterest link too, someone else talked about that recently so I’ll have to check it out.

  9. Marianne Su says:

    Have fun with the yoga. I love yoga so I suppose that makes me a new-ager of sorts. The boot camp looks fun and thanks for asking, but I think I’m busy that day. And that girl in the pink halter, she’s totally sucking in her stomach, dontcha think? (just a little jealous of her abs). Seriously, some good motivation for us all to look after ourselves and take care of our health. Thanks, Tammy.

  10. PJ Schnyder says:

    Bring it! So awesome to see you enjoying yourself as you get fit. And OMG the boot camp sounds like so much fun (arduous, cursing, sweat inducing fun, but still fun) 😀

    I love your inspirational photos and will probably start linking some of my favs so long as you don’t mind.

    Also, going to be checking out pinterest. Hmm.

    • CDNWMN says:

      Oh steal them all PJ! They are all saved to my pinterest site to, so you can ‘repin’ them to your own motivational board. 🙂 You are one insprirational lady yourself, your MMA training and pics were really great to see!

  11. T. James says:

    Hi Tams… whatever works for you hon. My inner lurker is too cunning. I saw the motivational posters and I thought, “What a great way of avoiding exercise. I sit on my butt for and hour and design a pretty logo with a nice message… I feel like I’ve done something so worthwhile all the guilt that was motivating me evaporates, and so now I can go and eat a cream cake and watch some TV without so much as a squeak from my conscience!”

    Thank you for the inner peace you have given my Tams. A lardy-gift beyond price. 😉

    • CDNWMN says:

      Now TJ you have a little one at home and YOU being fit has ripple effects of the most important kind. That alone is all the inspiration you need. 😉

  12. Gareth says:

    LOL, I sat down the other day and cost how much it would be to do up my home for everything I wanted and I hit somewhere around £10K. So I do a lot of looking around and shopping. The recommendation for Groupon is a good one as I’ve managed to nab a bargain or two that way.

    As to the fitness angle I’ve made it a priority to spend more time doing things like UFC Training. Its difficult and its tiring but i feel good for it afterwards. Perhaps in the near future I’ll feel confident enough to get some other things done.

    • CDNWMN says:

      That’s fantastic G! And no lightweight training program either. When you change your body, you change your mind. It’s really quite amazing. Happy bargain hunting!!! 🙂

  13. Great post Tam! Love the pics! Love Pinterest since you showed me that site. Great ideas there. I like the idea of throwing tires. Sounds like you’re really pushing hard on this and posting it makes it that much tougher not to achieve it…remember, we’re always watching and we’ll know…teehee! No, seriously, good luck! You’re too determined not to fail like I keep telling you! 🙂

  14. I wish I had time/money to get back into martial arts 🙂 I do miss it. I’m relatively fit. I ride my horse a lot, play with my dog and do a lot of heavy lifting for work. My cardio is lacking recently but boy am I strong 🙂

    Great job on getting your fitness on!!!


    • CDNWMN says:

      You rock those smexy curves babe, ur doin just fine. And i know what you mean, money is the worst part, seems like the more fun something is the more it costs. lol

  15. Lisa Forget says:

    I freaking love you…you tire-flipping chiquita! You’re an inspriation!

  16. Lisa Forget says:

    BTW… you’re also and INSPIRATION! LOL!

  17. BigBear85 says:

    Thanks alot for making me feel lazy…all the while you continue to do more and more sheesh I swear. what to do with all you active peoples.

    *crawls back into his den dragging weights along with*

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